She kept on receiving messages from her family. Uncles, cousins, sisters, nephews, more uncles and second cousins sent her pictures all smiling wide happy beautiful smiles.
As the days rolled by the pictures continued to arrive. Some relatives travelled quite some way to have their picture taken. There they stood. Relatives sending their love and congratulations. They were all dressed in their best Sunday clothes and again, their happy smiles.
She laughed and giggled, as she often does, seeing the parade of the relatives digitally visiting her.
She shared this story with me and we laughed until we cried. My world is colder and the dwelling ground of cruelty. Her world is carefree, loving, more tribal in nature.
The background to these events is that my friend had saved up money and paid for a beautiful and very fancy bathroom for the home shared by her widowed mother and two uncles. This home, until now, had an outhouse.
The new bathroom has beautiful, large tiles plus all the thinkable commodities we are all so used to. My friend bought her Mom and Uncle’s fancy towel sets, rugs, mirrors, baskets, soap dishes. Just about everything. Her joy over her Mom’s happiness was unmeasurable. A loving, caring daughter reaching halfway across the world to embrace her mother with unknown comforts.
The pictures my were of relatives who had traveled to come see the beautiful addition to the house and while there they posed in from of the new bathroom.
What had me in tears of laughter was learning that one of the uncles that lived in the house announced that the family was welcome to visit and take pictures but were not even think of inaugurating it. I was never brought up to date with who was the lucky winner. Funny, wonderful people.
I have been invited to someday visit them. I’ve been told that they would love me. I guess, when this happy day happens, I’ll have my picture taken in front of the beautiful new bathroom. This a true story.