It’s been an eventful and very busy year for Capricorn Science. The best news is that we are still here, both in body and in spirit, writing away, looking, searching and finding answers to our questions. Enjoying the freedom to look at whatever we choose to see is like living in an enchanted forest, exploring and engaging new things. We also revisit subjects we thought we had understood and embraced them better, closer. Every tidbit of information that we capture and hold makes us more and elevates us higher in our request to be better. Understanding is clue. Why this? How that?

We added three categories to our general subject lineup which are poetry, funny bunny memes and reading material. I still get the impression that most readers don’t know how to navigate this blog but that is clearly out of my hands. We have accumulated 1010 posts as of right now and plan to time travel next year on the $10b James Webb telescope in search of the end of darkness, ( more on this later). We are giddy and silly with excitement.

We have nothing but sincere thanks and much gratitude for our readers that surf the net looking for us. Hopefully next year we’ll be able to do some upgrades and make that search easier. We are open to suggestions and ideas that you may care to share. Just know that we aim to save the world. The idea that one person will read that one post that will prompt him/her to do that one thing that will reboot us into the land of the sane where empathy and love inhabit is the engine that motives us. So be it. Welcome to come ride with us. Ride Sally ride!

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Categories: Awesome Stuff


Debi Willis · December 17, 2021 at 1:07 PM

Did you see where NASA was able to manuever close to the sun? CHECK OUT THE VIDEO!

    Mercedes Jenouri · December 17, 2021 at 1:11 PM

    I sure did. The ‘ vehicle ‘ touched the sun. Awesome. I’m working on the telescope soon, Dec 24, on its journey to record the beginning of darkness. It will take a day or two to compress the data but oh wow a million times!!!

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