Acquiescence is the acceptance of something without protest.
At Capricorn Science, we are observers and commentators of what is happening to us and to our society. During the past three years, we have navigated through the puzzle of words and terms that comprise our behavior and our understanding of our behavior. Some people are interested, most people are not. As we continue to spiral downwards as a society we have a new word to define why we are where we are today.
Acquiescence is the acceptance of something without protest. If you are reading this, your mind responds, not without protest! “We have protested.” I’m pointing out that the results of what you are telling yourself are protests speak for themselves.
By sheer coincidence or serendipity I recently came across the following: ” Always, he answered: by spiritual mobilization. Did he mean the satyagraha preached by Gandhi? Spiritual mobilization of all of one’s strength. Foremost is the will to live as free men (women). Any means appropriate to the realization of that end are licit – from peaceful resistance to ultimate weaponry.”
And there it is. Foremost is the will, our will, to live as free human beings. We have not succeeded in our goals because we have enjoyed and engaged in acquiescence, the reluctant acceptance of something without protest. It may be time to rethink this strategy. Thank you for reading.