We have watched, with mouths agape, how entire cities have burned to the ground killing everything in their path. We sit at home or wherever we happen to be and comment nonstop about how the heat keeps rising and how it is intolerable. We read and comment how this summer has been the highest temperature in recorded history.
No one can claim that information about everything and anything isn’t available. Everything you may want to know about any subject is a keystroke away. Still, when a city burns to the ground, I see consternation and pain and wonder how did this happen. My only plausible conclusion is that we suffer from a severe case of cognitive dissonance or denial. We have been warned non-stop for decades. Are we deaf?
Human beings are being acutely acquiescent about global warming, climate change, doomsday, apocalypse now, no way back, no way out, end of days.
Slap yourselves and wake up already.