I’ve had the privilege of seeing firsthand how American people have risen above themselves, to be more, to become empowered and stand tall for the common good. I’ve also seen how many opponents, who are also our family, have taken a different road. A road that would take them and their children straight to the chains of mental and physical slavery.
We have been asking ourselves and each other, “Why are they like this? What is wrong with these people.” We are blind to their inner workings and out of frustration we toss insults at them.
We have fought tooth and nails to fix our problems. The fact remains that about sixty million people voted for Nazi Fascism. I saw how you all went insane while these numbers came through during election night. The fear of what would happen to all of us if the dictator remained in place.
Sometimes panic makes our senses sharpen, which is what happened to me during that fateful election night. As I scrambled to define which election information was real and I desperately tried to close my mind to everyone’s panic attack, I realized that Russia had no direct hand in this election rig. (This has been proven true afterwards.) If not Russia, who created and controlled this situation? And there it was, my epiphany. Fox News, Churches, NRA and other Republican groups have methodically and relentlessly mixed their own brand of “Kool aid” and half of American voters have been under mind influence. Manipulation is a intricate part of our society. You are being manipulated each and every time you watch a commercial and end up buying a product overlooking that this product my kill you. Try Coca-Cola.
How else can you explain people taking action against their best interest? They have believed what they were told to believe were their best interest and they obediently followed suit. There is no other logical explanation. I spend a great deal of time reading and researching these events, in my personal attempt to comprehend human behavior that makes no sense whatsoever. The key ingredient here is fear. They are told what to fear : black people, women with power to decide anything, death, hell, being defenseless without their weapons, education, and so many other ingredients to this deadly kool aid that our fellow Americans are being force fed. We must come together and address this with solutions, not by calling them names. They are victims and need help. This situation has a clear component of Stockholm syndrome, where the victim form emotional bond with their abuser.