Adopting an older dog is like allowing a ray of Heaven into your heart and home. Let’s see: Beba, Chatito, Pancho, another Pancho, Ratoncito, Chewey. ZsaZsa and Chary, in the pictures above. These are the names of rescues that have lived out their lives with me and some are still here. Right now Chewey, ZsaZsa and Chary, above, were rescued and now run my home and make me laugh every single day.
Chary arrived here at age 11, she is now close to 16. Her owner was being sent to a home suffering of dementia and the family had planned to send my Chary to a shelter. When I heard the story I said that I’d take her. She is an unusual little girl. Total personality. At first she was grateful for the food and home but not interested in me at all, I was her maid for all she cared. Slowly, I think she noticed the little kindnesses that I troubled to offer her and she learned to love me a bit. Smart as a whistle. She does aerobics. I noticed she walked and walked and walked around the house. Not going anywhere, just exercise walking. She is big eater and I also noticed that when her tummy got big she would go on diets. Her old ears can’t hear, Her old eyes barely see but she is very much alive and very much in control of her existence. I have too many stories about how she hides from me to go run and pee on my rug. She knows she shouldn’t but she also know that she gets away with everything. Opening my home and my heart to Chary is one the best things I’ve ever done. The little stinker owns me. Consider doing this. They need help and most likely, so do you.