Some very talented friends are writing and producing music. The genre is Bachata. My mind went blank. Bachata, in my second language, Spanish, means a friendly gathering of friends having fun. It’s innocent and clean, nothing vulgar. Pardon my built-in censorship; it’s a product of my generation. Sensual is better than sexual in my mind’s eye.

What to do about Urban Bachata? Google it! Of course. I’ve spent most of my life immersed in Google. Here it is. Bachata is a style of romantic music originating in the Dominican Republic. In general, the lyrics of Bachata express the deep, visceral feelings of love, passion, and nostalgia. Etymologically, the term “Bachata,” presumed to be of African origin, referred to a lively party or gathering rather than a specific musical genre. (Wikipedia)

“Sensual Bachata is when two dancers get a bit more intimate. But it has nothing to do with the moves or the isolations or any other awesome moves you see. Sensual Bachata is about connections and intimacy, but it has nothing to do with romance.”

Just so you can tell them Bachata and Salsa music apart, Bachata has four beats, and Salsa has eight.

Once I saw and experienced the music video for the new release, “Quedate,” I found a new understanding of a genre of music that had passed me by. It is all the things described by the know-it-all Google and Wikipedia. This is good. Let’s dance. Bachata!

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