Someone stayed!
I’m a late bloomer in the new world of social media. My interest was focused on the apps as financial investments, IPOs, privacy infringements, and their effect on society. Then something changed. Hillary Rodham Clinton decided to give the Presidency of the United States another try. I dove into Facebook and made it my virtual home. I was successful in building an impressive-sized base. I still am very proud of this success. Labor intensive fails to describe the amount of work that went into this endeavor. Trolls, Hillary haters, women haters, people to preferred other candidates, and a long assortment of other categories of interrupters were present at all times. I watched and worked the field protecting my front.
We all know what happened afterward. Hillary’s presidency was stolen under the watchful eyes of everyone present in our government. As I readied myself to tackle the American Oligarchs my Facebook account was deleted from the face of the Earth and I remained in an unnamed limbo for over a year until Facebook allowed me to activate an old, unused account.
My year of social media silence served to allow me to regroup. I did mourn the loss of so much of everything that happened during my first Facebook tenure but then I truly did not miss the massive ugliness that was constantly tossed my way. My new group consists of 600 ‘friends’ and a very low profile. If I attempt to show myself too much I immediately get warnings that my account is in peril. I’ve been warned. I’m a danger to the fascist oligarchs that rule us.
During all of these changes, there was one Facebook ‘friend’ that always remained constant. She made an effort to email me and the communication continued during my exile. Once my second account was opened she was first in line to support me and always make a presence. I’m grateful.
This whole tale is about sharing that she phone-called me yesterday. After about seven years of interacting closely with people I’d never met, a human voice came dancing on the other end of the cell. It has since dawned on me that somehow all the words coming from thousands of people electronically did not guarantee that they are real. Like that circle at the bottom of new electronic pages that request that you prove you’re not a robot. Or the images requesting you pick the stop lights to make sure you are real!
During this life-altering conversation, I felt a bit of unexplained tension. This introspection prompts this article. What was there to be tense about? A real human being had reached through space and time and talked to me. An electronic persona got dressed up in flesh and blood and said, “Hello”.
This whole adventure made me real. I am starting to vanish and need anchors. Thank you for that call. Let’s do it again soon.
Thank you for reading.