Science is discovering that we are biologically predisposed to a short-term memory bias. ( as per Capricorn Science Blog article, “Unsustainable Population Here Now, published 06.02/2025).
Biological short-term memory is the primary cause that, as a species, we battle and lose lifesaving experiences. Can we even remember to try to work through this biological roadblock before it’s too late? Hard to tell.
The other issue pushing the nuclear Doomsday Clock closer to zero is the stranglehold religion and the military has on human beings as individuals and as a species. Power and money are the fuel.
Institutional religion relishes power and has the formula to control society and a large part of the purse. They manufactured fear of death, created hell, and convinced everyone that hell is where they would end burning during all of eternity unless they let go of their money and their freedom. For thousands of years, this has worked beautifully for the religious institution at the expense and suffering of every human creature that has walked this earth. It’s sad. It’s criminal, and it’s wrong. It has cost us everything.
As a very young child, not even a teen, I was able to see the pain and discomfort religion created in everyone who subscribed to it. Since that time in my life, my mind visits the thought that racism is
caused by the subconscious envy hidden very profoundly in religious people that they are white of skin and not black, like their god.
Early history classes taught me that the birthplace where the fictional or real Jesus Christ was born is black. Contrary to walking down Fifth Avenue in New York, where you get to see beautiful people of many colors and ethnic backgrounds, during the times of Jesus Christ, they were all black.
Constantine has the bible assembled and created Christianity. Europe later embraces it, and Jesus Christ is whitewashed. Europeans traveled to the New World and found brown and black people. Kill most of them. Those left standing are made to embrace a lily-white Jesus Christ.
Now I ask. Is the root of the hatred white people feel toward non-white people because deep, profound, down, they feel inferior or exposed. They often talk about “man being created in the image of God.” Their god was black, and they were not. Erase, reboot, deny. Cover the truth with hatred and racism.
Environmental scientists have discovered a succinct connection between social norms and our DNA. In other words, our social habits are being recorded in our DNA.
The religious story of Jesus Christ must be hammered deeply into our biology, cementing our racist ways forever. Science says that altered DNA transmits or passes on the anomaly for 10 generations. This is how long it could take to fix or alter ourselves back to sanity if we were ever to become aware of the mess we are in.
In the end, I think people hate who they are told to, and since the reasons are so hidden, there appears to be no way out unless we decide to break our chains and submit to social group therapy. Attempts are being made but not sufficiently brisk. We need to hate hating. Do not think I diminish the importance of what I am hereby trying to convey, but the hippies were on to something. Make love, not war. That one premise alone could save us.
Jesus was black, and you’re not. That is the problem.
Until the next time.
Thank you for reading.