“Until the lion learns how to write, every story will glorify the hunter.”
It’s fair to say that the year 2020 will live in our memory as infamous. For those of us who has, so far, made it till December alive, we are grateful and thankful and hopeful. We are actively buying time. We are living on borrowed time.
The political events currently unfolding in the United States has people everywhere holding their breaths with hope that ultimate solutions will be peaceful. We are feared everywhere, for good reason, since we are warmongers. The truth hurts but it will also set you free. I’ve confronted my demons and made my peace with this ugly fact and have chosen to do something about it. Step one: admitting it.
The Coronavirus pandemic continues to rage onwards maiming and killing and terrifying every thinking person in sight. Whomever coined the phrase “ignorance is bliss” was definitely on to something. Groups of immunologist are saying that about 100 million Americans are infected. Sixteen million Americans are confirmed infected and 160,000 dead to date, that we know of. We have become the hotspot of the planet and it’s not internet connection we are talking about. Every single day is a challenge to stay alive.
The effects of the virus has many arms reaching and grabbing and destroying. No work translates to no income. No income puts everyone in a situation of defaulting on binding obligations. Your hard earned car, your dream home, your 850 point credit rating, your mental health and you sense of self worth die when you spend hours on a food line trying to do good by your children and family. People aren’t numbers or statistics to me. They are a member of my mental family. I don’t need to ‘know’ you in order to know you. This hurts. I feel it.
As we lick our wounds and bury our dead we also try to put a front of hope by doing some Christmas decorating and showcasing our work. This is good, somehow, there is good in this. The Bubonic plague did pass as did the Spanish plague so it’s fair to think that the Coronavirus plague will also pass. It’s just so different from reating it in a history book to having it ragging right outside your front door. It’s important to cover up, wash constantly, remain locked up if you can, and do not take that tempting risk. It could be your last one. Another good saying, “better safe than sorry.”
Capricorn Science. the blog, continues to work and learn as we go along. Changing our electronic data from .net to .com proved the wrong move since our numbers tanked. From a ahead-of-it-time performance to average is a disappointment, but at some point it will recover from the blow. Our objective continues to be the presentation of questions for thinking people. If you out in the spring, don’t bother with us. Since I continue to be, for now the only writer here, my chosen subjects reflect my left brain, right brain swings which may not be a bad thing.
Once the United States political campaign enter the finish line we may focus on some other countries struggles of good versus evil. Maybe Brazil or Australia come to mind. Should we look at Haiti? Madagascar?
This blog seeks to become an active voice for environmental issues. The planet continues to be on its deathbed and the pandemic has taken the focus off this imminent event. The clock continues to click and we continue to behave like parasitic hosts to our only home. People continue to ignore the facts and honestly just do not care. We are ruining all future generations right to exist. Why is this?
So, I hereby declare myself and Capricorn Science, the Art of Living, the Lion that learns to write, finds its voice and will not be silenced.