The ingredients are chicken breasts cut into bite sizes. Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Garlic Powder. Parsley. Rosemary. Cream Cheese. Grated Mozzarella. Fresh Spinach.

Use enough oil to cover the bottom of your skillet but this is not deep frying. You want enough for the the chicken to cook without sticking. Have the chicken pieces covered with the garlic, parsley and rosemary.

The heat on high so the meat will seal the flavors. Watch when it browns and turn over. When its sizzling for about three minutes, after the turn over, turn the heat off and add about two inches of cream cheese.

Stir in the cream cheese and watch while it dissolves. It just needs to mix together, not like its whipped. Turn the heat back on medium. You need to watch it or the cream sauce will stick to the skillet.

Carefully place about four cups of fresh spinach on top of the chicken and sauce. Slowly, use a spatula to lift the contents on the bottom of the skillet to cover the spinach. This will quickly cook the spinach. Turn the heat off.

Finished and ready to be served. Once on the dinner plate I sprinkle a bit or mozzarella cheese. I also add about three tablespoons of cooked white rice. You can add potatoes or whatever makes your heart happy. Enjoy. Thanks for reading.