STRATEGY FOR 2022: UPDATE 6 Sept 2022
The original list was made from the aforementioned sites prior to primary elections based on historical info. That is changing rapidly now although thankfully we are only down 1 seat from predicted: MI 10 was supposed to lean Dem but seems to have changed: the republican reps went against trump in the impeachment and they have been ousted. Not the time to run a hard-left progressive – will discuss electable candidates later – but it probably would not have mattered with this bunch anyway. Unless Trump goes down fast before the election.
By request I have better ordered and summarized the list. I still think it better to keep the 2 lists: counted blue but in danger, and counted red but possible steal. It’s difficult right now to weigh whether it is more important to focus on counted blue but down 3 vs counted red but even. What it looks like is that we have 5 seats we can take from Rs and we are down 6 seats, if we keep all those counted dem now (4 in danger). Would be a shame to lose the house by 1 seat…
Color coding of the district number is: blue= counted dem to start, pink = lean republican to start, purple= toss up to start
Thank you so much again for any help,