Chief Arvol Looking Horse met with Greta Thunberg on October 8, when she received a name, translated to English means “Woman Who Came From the Heavens.”
Chief Arvol is the 19th generation keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe for the Great Sioux Nation. He’s the chief and spiritual leader of all the Sioux Tribe branches.
There is awe in her expression as she looks upon Chief Arvol and there is magic in her new name. It is a name which defines her and allows us to understand, yet again, just how special Greta Thunberg is. I have seen many pictures of her. Addressing the United Nations, telling the world, point blank, to stop murdering her future. I’ve seen pictures of her staring down the despot, Donald Trump. I’ve also seen her cruising through the oceans on her planet saving vessel. Never have I seen this total look of awe and admiration on her pretty face This is when the giants meet and our sentient planet smiles.