I continue to question that if we know that cognitive dissonance exists, why don’t we take action and change our self-destructive ways. Recently I was exposed, for the first time, to new information which appears to be a big part of the puzzle which may explain why we behave against our best self interest.

The Terror Management Theory (TMT) is a dual defense model that explains how people protect themselves against concerns about death ( mortality salience). According to TMT, the specific manner in which people respond is dependent on the whether the concerns are conscious or unconscious. (www.sciencedirect.com).

The most obvious example of how worldviews provide the basis for terror management are religious worldviews such as Christianity and Islam, in which one’s earthly purpose is to serve one’s deity, after which those who have been true to the teachings of the deity, will be rewarded.

Put together these two mental disorders, Cognitive Dissonance and Terror Management, and you will find clear explanations to how and why so many people appear off-center and bordering on insanity. There are ways to overcome these serious mental and existential handicaps and mend our lives and our minds, allowing a promising future. Each and every persons needs to claim their individuality and research these events and do something about it.

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Debi Willis · October 1, 2021 at 6:12 AM

Hmmmmm. We have an “ off center” individual in our family. Makes it REALLY hard at family gatherings. ?

    Mercedes Jenouri · October 1, 2021 at 12:24 PM

    Now I’m curious. Does he get argument?

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