1 cup olive oil
5 sprigs of fresh Rosemary, 6-inches long each
Measure oil into a heavy saucepan. Add fresh Rosemary and bring to slow boil at medium to low heat about five minutes. Remove from heat and allow to sit and cool. Pour into your jar of choice and refrigerate for up to one month
Rosemary is one of my favorite herbs and it’s easy to grow so it’s a perfect combination of need and availability. Add to fish, pork, eggs and the enhanced flavor is a true pleaser.
The other use for this Rosemary Infused Oil if to generate new hair growth.
A friend mentioned in passing that she buys Rosemary Infused Oil to prevent hair loss. At the time I was surprised and did my bit of research and indeed, Rosemary contains the same ingredients as Rogaine, the hair loss pharmaceutical, for a fraction of the cost. If you make your own oil the price is again contained tremendously. So now I make it for family members and even use it myself. It keeps your scalp healthy.
So there you have it. You can eat it or wear it. It smells wonderful. No chemicals and environment friendly.