I am against capital punishment.
I am for self-termination.
I am against gun ownership.

I am for women controlling their bodies.
I am against poverty.
I am against sexual exploitation.

I am against institutional religions.
I am for faith.
I am against slavery, in all its disguises.

I am for freedom and responsibility.
I am against corporations as individuals.
I am against the exploitations of natural resource to feed capitalism.

I am for fairness, in all its shapes and forms.
I am against governments systematic deceit under the disguise of protection.
I am against all wars. They should be called genocides.

I am for peace every step of the way.
I recognize our equality and understand our differences.
I am against billionaires. Hording of assets must become illegal.

I am for compassion for all sentient beings.
I am against unmeasurable selfishness.
I am for beauty in all its manifestations.

I stand against ugliness, in all its manifestations.
I am for light and darkness.
I am for shapes and shadow.

Introspection combines with time and self realization are compounded into self definition. If you truly learn who and what you are, you set yourself free. Only then will the warmth of happiness truly find you and keep you warn
Rose Marlene Simpkins · June 8, 2021 at 5:25 AM
I admire women who express what they stand for. I have always been hesitant about this in my own life. At age 72 I realize that to do this would be to set myself free. And that is a good thing! .
Mercedes Jenouri · June 8, 2021 at 2:11 PM
Tell us your conclusions, when you reach them!