It’s fair to say that I have a unique and interesting name. Not my doing. I just use it. During the last five years Facebook became the political and social battleground we used to power up the rights of “the many” that have become the pawns to the rich Oligarchy that now rules most of the countries of the world, including the United States of America, the known bandleader, to this disruption to peace and democracy. We have called ourselves ” The Resistance” and resist we did.
What a great run and even if our victory isn’t perfect, who am I to question a victory earned -the old fashioned way-, by blood, sweat and tears, walking over broken glass in the middle of a deadly pandemic to vote and be heard.
To my surprise, my Facebook page became very, very popular which put me in the position to be envied, trolled, insulted and demeaned. We, the Resistance, were like action characters out of comic books, fighting electronic wars our way to the finish line and victory.
We painfully lost President Hillary Clinton along the way which allowed the most vile, filthy Nero- wanna be- Donald J. Trump into power. The Resistance dug in and fought harder, an army with shields of memes, money, and our names placed up front. We stand tall watching the door where the enemy pushes to get back into our lives and our pockets.
Sadly, I’ve become a casualty in this electronic-meme-fighting war. About five months ago my page, under my name, was mortally wounded and taken over by trolls. There was no port of entry for me since I refused to give up my passwords, which would have allowed them access to everyone connected to me.
Yesterday I was able to open a new Facebook account. Facebook reversed my name, but being unique, as it is, those that know me would find me. While working the mechanics of opening this new account I was asked to upload a picture of myself since 200 other people have the same name! Cut me a break! This was the first clue of what happened to my Facebook page, my name and my identity. Once the new account was set up I did a search with just my last name and there it was, about 200 people with initials like XRZ and my last name. I do have about ten identified relatives. We are a small tribe. The rest are impostors. The also opened about fifty groups with my name and used my webpage name for groups, an academy and other stuff.
Why me? Why this name? Well my Facebook page boasted about 10,000 followers, 5,000 friends and an average of 675,000 likes per month. All this became attached to that one name, my name.
Interesting for me to notice was that a common expression of mine, when happy, was “Boom Shakalakala Boom Baby!” search brought up about 50 groups using this name! Who knew this was so interesting to so many.
I had planned on contacting some of the name and idea thieves and ask why they had evicted their Mother Ship, me!? Imitation is a form of flattery and it’s kind of cool to have a bunch of kids wanting to somehow be me. My Facebook account has been closed again. So children, enjoy my name. It’s a great one but expect no inheritance. Be happy. Be free.
I have moved to greener pastures aka as Twitter, where I can Shakalakala to my hearts content. Come visit me @MJenouri or this blog: www.capricornscience.com. I’m having the time of my life. Run free.
Debi Willis · October 18, 2021 at 10:41 PM
NO! YOU’RE NOT ON FB ANYMORE? I’m confused. Hmmmm.
Mercedes Jenouri · October 18, 2021 at 10:43 PM
The same hackers are at it again. It’s not FB, I don’t think.
Mercedes Jenouri · October 18, 2021 at 10:47 PM