Each individual is how we are. Friends and foe have called me unpredictable, hard nut to crack, stubborn and many other gridle words attempting to define me and confine me. Reaching decisions is very personal to me.
My love and admiration for Hillary Rodham Clinton is well known and well documented. My bitterness because we were robbed of our Presidency is also a known fact. I will never get over it. I will never recover. But I will learn from this loss therefore I fight to fix the wrongs and I fight to win.
The event that engraved Hillary in my heart forever were her words about ” there are no other peoples children.” The depth and understanding of loving each other, as one, was encapsulated in these short words.
Joe Biden has had my endorsement, encouragement and working hand and blog all day, every day. I swim through an ocean of political demagogues and dig in my heels in the land of not trusting anyone. No one gets a good faith endorsement from me. You have to show the goods and bring receipts. In my minds eye, politicians are liar’s until proven otherwise. To think otherwise is lazy and naïve.
As we inch closer to the most important election in American history (just my opinion) I have continued to listen to Joe Biden, closely, intricately, seeking those receipts about his true persona. Somewhere along the line I started knowing him better, learning tidbits here and there that colored his palate. My ultimate fear is the measurement of how corruptible is he under the weight of such power as the weight of the Presidency of the United States.
The Black Lives Matter movement opened and evolved right before our eyes. Our emotions, fears, pain and knowledge that we have been cruel and unfair to brothers and sisters that live and fight right besides us caused shame and rage. Suddenly Democrat Presidential Candidate Joe Biden said the following: “Think what it takes to make a Black person love America.”
There it is, the magic words that showed me he understands and cares. I have fallen in love with our future president Joe Biden! It’s been a long and uneasy road for me. As usual, walking my walk renders truthful and useful. Happy Voting America!