MenO’Pause: a time in a woman’s reproductive cycle when her period stops. Most often happens at age 45.
The word menopause does not exist in the Japanese language simply because women in Japan transition without becoming ill. They take yeast tablets and it’s all gone and good. Our society makes money and retains power on this event in women’s lives. By holding secret what they know can easily stop menopause symptoms doctors and the medical profession cash in on menopause and perpetuate the myths that surround menopause.
Women are told since they are girls that after the oncome of menopause they will no longer want sex and it’s caused by their inability to reproduce. The infamous title post-menopausal is like an early death sentence that translates not-to-be-desired-by-any-sane-man. It must have been men that created the term MenO’Pause. Do we pause or do they pause? That is the question.
Learn early and teach your daughters that there is no reason to suffer menopausal symptoms and misery. We should all move to Japan.
The other secret to be revealed today is that men of our species are prone to become “paused” earlier that us girls suspected. Sixty years of age is a deathbed for many men’s virility. Ah, but boys will be boys and they helped themselves to the invention of Viagra, Cialis and insurance coverage. Thus, some, not all, walk around boasting their fake virility.
Therefore, I dare conclude, that it’s men that pause under the weight of time and are mentioned in their creation MenO’Pause. Women continue to desire and engage in sexual intercourse in spite of no longer being reproductive ready. This can be difficult if your sixty plus partner is a man@pause! Such is life in the city. Live and learn.
1 Comment
Debi Willis · December 12, 2021 at 12:41 PM
To infer that the sacredness of deigning a natural body occurrence as a troubling time for women is SO FAR FROM THE TRUTH! When our life giving bleeds STOP then begins a ritual “ burning” of OLD things in our body. It’s the ONLY INITIATION RITE NEEDED TO STEP INTO OUR CRONE existence where our women’s wisdom is used to heal those around us- REJOICE WOMEN! For the mighty flame that takes us away from the men and points us in our own divine guidance.