As we look towards the end of 2020, in real time, in politics and in the value of our lives, it’s fair to say that we spent most of this year trying to believe our ears and our eyes. Our own government turned against us in ways never seen in fiction. Unimaginable. Open doors to a Pandemic. Media spitting lie after lie right into our faces. Yet more redistribution of wealth from our empty pockets to their already overflowing pockets of new breed of billionaires. Ignored necessary fiscal spending while lavish spending goes untapped. Estimates for half a million deaths from Coronavirus by the end of this unholy year. We all know we will someday, somehow die, but put upon us by our own government is just too much to deal with.
We have joined forces into a movement of resistance to the peril that wants to own us, and enslave us, and rob us from life and liberty. This joining of forces has paid has off. But tell that to the families of the deceased. Sad, sad times. We are wounded and need to process what has happened in order to somehow heal ourselves as people and as a society.
The satiric image reflects, only too well, how we would gasp each and every day at how low, then lower, and lower Donald John Trump would sink is his dishonor, treason and total madness. I hope I live to see him pay. That alone is a driving force for many.