1- all things about cryptocurrency refer to Coin Telegraph. They are wonderful and take you step by step towards a clear understanding of the subject at hand,
2-PoliFacts covers in minute detail the shenanigans going on in our government. They are the real deal.
3-The Intercept is the rebel with a cause. When the rest of media is playing nice they call the manure where they see it and I truly, truly appreciate them.
4- RawStory Top News: enter the name just like shown. Excellent.
5-Greg Olear from Prevail: my favorite blog, aside from my own. He exposed Trump has Mobbed up. He’s research is unimpeachable.
6-POLITICO Playbook: excellent.
7- The Associated Press: they have a daily new summary that is like a road map.
8- Newsletter Science X : everything you want to know about science and was afraid to ask.
9- The Atlantic: perfect
10-Intelligencer: fabulous information.
11-Vanity Fair: one of my all time favorite political news outlets. Don’t the the she-she stuff distract you. They are the real deal.
12- The Hive: Vanity Fair’s blog. Really good.
13-Forbes / Daily Dozen: they have ample science information. I was pleasantly surprised at their extensive, understandable articles covering all levels of physics. They are the real deal.
14-Robinhood Snacks: a daily notice covering investments. It’s great.
15-Bloomberg Prognosis: well Bloomberg is Bloomberg. They have a financial metauniverse. What when I traded I was in forever awe over the amount of precise data Bloomberg brought to the table.
16-Kevin Vogt, Master Sommelier: the best info and deals for exquisite wines. Hey, live a little.
17- Christie’s: Online Magazine. Keeps you up to speed in the art world.
18-NRP: Political news and analysis.
19-Yahoo: they offer all the above in one place. It’s great.
20- Wikipedia: they have made my life a much better one.
21-Google: they are my alter ego.