You may recall HBO’s hit show, “Sex and the City’!? Carrie Bradshaw and the girls having fun and crying and then having some more fun. Maybe HBO should consider taking a close look into investing in a new show covering an old story: “Sex and the American Politician”. We all know the story but we may need a look from another angle. Maybe the History Channel would be interested in syndication.
Main historic characters for this new show would be: Jefferson, Eisenhower, Clinton, Nixon, Cuomo, Trump, Rudy,….
Until writing this peace jumped into my mind I was angry at Democrats standing against “our own” in the face of sexual indiscretions while the “other side” committed offenses of humongous proportions and laughed them away as “boy will be boys”.
I fought nails and tooth defending Cuomo. My thinking at the time was that he was being attacked just in time to open a door for Trump and his Cadre of criminals to get out of the legal entanglements awaiting them in New York courts. Losing Cuomo looked like a sure plan for Trump to go free and I wouldn’t have it. Well, I’ve come to terms with the fact that I was wrong about defending Cuomo, even if the price was allowing Trump to finish his fascist agenda and kill those of us that are still standing.
The issue is morality and ethics. I cannot stand on both sides of the fence. “To be or not to be” came to haunt me and bit me in the arse, as Austratian’s would call my derriere. My first realization that my conscience was pulling strings and wanting to haunt me was the sense of relief I felt when Cuomo resigned. Right then I knew that defending an abuser, even for splendid reasons cannot and should not be tolerated. So here we are. Looking at the vast amount of numbers of male politicians that have used their power to abuse others; men, women, children. I’ll stop right there.
Jefferson fathering children with his slave. Eisenhower and his assistant. Clinton and the damn blue dress. Nixon beating his wife to a pulp. Cuomo and his disgusting appetite for everyone with a skirt. Trump is the lowest form of filth known to our species. Rudy, Trumps consigliere, with his hand down his pants playing lost and found… I’m working hard at sanitizing this conversation without covering their many broken promises.
Men rule the world but they cannot control their biological urges. Are they fit to be in charge of everything? The lapses in their judgement, thinking that they will not be found out, that they are not being set up, that they will not pay for their actions says everything about their character or lack of. They are not smart. We are ruled by idiots.
Why do we continue to look the other way, as if nothing has happened. Maybe, because it’s a boys club and we truly cannot do anything about it. The Boys Club is so tight that no matter what we do we can’t bring them down. Look a Clinton. One of the most successful presidents’ of the United States looked at from every angle. He allows himself to get set up and impeached. They didn’t throw him from office. What they, those setting up the ambush, did accomplish was weakening and shaming Democrats into opening the door for dumb-as-nails Bush, Jr. The plan worked like a charm. Bush started the necessary war, with the wrong country, mind you, and therefore guaranteed his second term. People dead, social security defunded and an endless list of horrors. All because of Clinton falling for the “others” ploy.
Democrats responded to the Bush Jr fiasco by stampeding over the most qualified, dignified and decent candidate ever, and allowed our first black President to come to the White House. He is loved and respected because he is a smart, decent family man yet he could never be the president that Hillary Clinton would have been. A black president was allowed in desperation to block the chair from a woman. Sad times continue. This weakened presidency opens the door to the ultimate madman, Donald John Trump. The Hitler wanna-be. The Nero-be. The terror that roams the earth, No intellect, no morals, no conscience. He is the embodiment of the Narcissist who only see’s and hears himself. Luckily, many of us were on to his plan to declare war on Iran and continue W Bush’s legacy of using wars to secure reelection and blocked him. But do not sleep soundly because, following his hero, Hitler, he plans to be back and take over the Republic and make it his. You and me included.
Back to the subject of sex. I have many questions. Why do Americans have a double standard in reference to the sexual behavior of the Democrat politician versus Republican politician. If a Democrat commits a crime it’s called out as filth and calls for his head are loud and clear. If a Republican commits a much greater crime it’s called virile, macho, “let him have mine!”. Democrats reaction isn’t even heard above a wimpy sneeze when Trump is talking about “grabbing women by the pussy”. Why is this? Do democrats secretly admire this brazen behavior? In the end, the result is that we allow this and maybe deserve what we get. We live in the world we create.
From my seat it appears that ethics cannot win. Maybe it’s because selling and aligning with lies is easier to accomplish that standing by a truth we understand and believe. I’m beginning to understand that an ethical world cannot exist because an unethical world is easier to create. Also, the unethical crowd wins in numbers. I’m going to throw a guess here. There are much more unethical people than ethical people. In a world where voting counts for everything we do it’s clear that the unethical people have the winning hand. And here we are.