The Amazing World of E-mails.

I remember my first encounter with e-mails. I was in awe. As head of a television syndication company, I was immersed in telex machines, and then there were the wonders of faxes, and here came emails. The paper for fax machines was a gummy special roll that the machine would spit out nonstop. Lawyers went nuts writing all kinds of confidentiality messages, hoping secrets would not be stolen. Technology evolved, and eventually, fax machines faded into the background.  Now, our common thread is our web of emails. With emails came the advent of passwords. Now, machines ask us if we are machines. I sometimes have a hell of a time proving I’m not a machine. Makes me wonder.  It’s a crazy world out there. Later on, we experienced, much to our dismay, identity theft and all kinds of infringements imaginable. Now, apps rule the day. 

Layers upon layers of technology meant to make our lives easier and extort us of our hard-earned money. 

What motivated this walk down memory lane was that as I check my many email accounts and peek at the junk file, I’m shocked, maybe, by the daily deluge of sexual marketing addressed toward me. For example, these are just a few: Libido Ignitor, Ms. Maria Blow, Steel Erections, Growing Manhood, Female Fantasy, Harder and Longer, and last but not least. Nooro Home Massager. 

I’ve received these types of emails for decades, but I had never actually ‘seen’ them. 

I’m going to guess that Libido Ignitor is some kind of pill or maybe a movie. If your libido is down, I doubt this will help, but the partner will look into it. 

We all know what Maria Blow is alluding to. That must be porn. 

Steel Erections. Poor men having to put up with such offense as the expectation of steel erections in the plural, no less. 

Growing manhood. More of the same solution to the same problem. 

Female fantasy. That must be the guy who takes the Libido Ignitor pills and pulls off a steel erection with his growing manhood. I can’t believe I’m writing this. This is a serious blog, but I couldn’t help myself. Girls got to do what a girl got to do! (smiling)

Over a decade ago, I read in a science journal that a study revealed that male sperm was down by about twenty percent worldwide. This decline occurred during a ten- or twenty-year period. I can’t recall the exact timeframe of the study. I remember thinking that at that rate, men could become sterile before the end of the century. 

Fast-forward to now, and we are seeing all these fix-it remedies. When the heart medication fixed or improved the erectile dysfunction situation, I was, at the time, surprised that it was the main topic of conversation between men everywhere. I noticed that wherever two or more men over fifty got together, regardless of whether ladies were present, they would turn the subject to the pill. They giggled happily like little girls. Who knew they were all suffering from limp-dick syndrome? 

Again, this is the most unusual subject for me, but I wonder what is going on with men’s sexuality.

Consider this article a call for more information. Your comments, as always, are very welcome. 

Thank you for reading. 

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