Unknowing eyes would fail and call her old while missing entirely that they are in the presence of the Eternal Woman. She is never young nor ever old, just eternal. Flowing within and outside of time, skipping upon the ripples of time. Changing vessels at will and playing in the wind while singing with the birds or with dragons.
Many friends from different times and places come to visit from time to time. These travels are dangerous and full of hardships but engaged by choice.
The One-Eyed dog arrived in the middle of a field in the shape of a new born puppy. He walked as best he could in search of his friend. While crossing a dangerous road, lost and wondering what to do, a kind hand picked him up, saving him from cars and other dangers. By sheer instinct she took him to a place where the Secret Keepers had scheduled the Eternal Woman to stop by.
Like clockwork, the Eternal Woman walked into the predetermined meeting place and saw me. Not yet recognizing me or even knowing that we had been scheduled to meet, she just saw me and smiled and said the magic code: ” Ahh, a puppy. He sure is cute.!” Nothing fancy. Something very real.
Many impossible things happened at once paving the road between the traveler and the Eternal Woman. Rescues gone wrong, an accident where the traveler lost an eye making sure that no other rescuer would want him. This landed him at last back into the life and home of his cherished friend, the Eternal Woman.
After such a complicated trip the One-Eyed puppy was tired and nervous and fearful. The Eternal Woman understood he needed a long and tranquil rest so his soul could settle and become safe again.
One cool morning, while feeding the One-Eyed puppy she noticed how his face had changed and acclimated to having only one eye. He no longer looked wounded or out of balance. He’d become beautiful again. Unknowing why, she placed her index finger upon his head. Suddenly, her eyes, which were wide open, opened again and she found herself on all four legs, with huge paws and the One-Eyed puppy by her side running side by side through hills while on a hunt.
The Eternal Woman blinked herself back to the present and finally understood that an ancient member of her pack had returned to her until it’s time for her to change back again. She lives grateful for his love and company. His story needed to be told. This is a true story.
Debi · April 6, 2020 at 1:19 PM
Mercedes Jenouri · April 6, 2020 at 9:52 AM
Thank you. Made my day!