“Once in a Blue Moon.” It so happens that even as I write this, there is an incredible blue moon peeking at me through the picture window across from my workstation. It woke me up from my deep sleep and disturbed me more than I care to admit. In line with a disturbing Blue Moon is the sharing of the statement I read for the first time yesterday. The author identifies herself as brainstatic. This is what Brainstatic had to say:
“I don’t care what the Founding Fathers would have wanted, I don’t care if Jesus was a hippie or not, I don’t care what Marx prescribed. I can’t take living in a world where we’re all servants of long-dead men. You know what happens if you make a law that the Founding Fathers wouldn’t like? Nothing, they’re dead, and they’re never coming back. I’m genuinely envious of countries that can just make whatever laws they want without worrying how the 18th-century agrarian noblemen would have seen it. Stop arguing that Jesus loved the poor too, what he loved or didn’t love is irrelevant, he doesn’t get a say in any of this. We could have a country that isn’t shackled by these ghosts if we collectively wanted to. “
Thank you, Blue Moon and Brainstatic, for putting this out there.
And thank you for reading.