The Paso Fino means ” fine step”. The Paso fino is a blend of Barb, Spanish Jennet, and Andalusian horse and was bred by Spanish land owners in Puerto Rico and Colombia to be used in the plantations because of their endurance and comfortable ride. All Pasos share their heritage with the Peruvian Paso, the American Mustang, and other descendants of Colonial Spanish horses, On the second voyage Christopher Columbus from Spain to the Americas in 1493, he disembarked with his soldiers, 20 horses and 5 mares on the island of Borinquen at the Bay of Aguada ( today Anasco) and gave the region the name of San Juan Bautista. The Puerto Rican Paso Fino was developed on the Caribbean island over a 500 year colonial period. Frenchman Andres Pedro Ledru, in a notation about horse races held ont he 17 of July1797, wrote that the speed of these horses was admirable , ” they have not trot or gallop, but type of pace (Andadura). A gait so precipitated that the eye can’t follow the movement of the legs. (Wikipedia) They make us proud.