It’s that time of the year again, December, edging towards mid December. The calendar is calling to us to glimpse back at the year and wonder about the year ahead.
As a blogger I start writing little notes about how to acknowledge this event; the New Year.
That transition we go through over and over again. My notes, which were to later become a post, seemed sad, dull and even depressed to this upbeat person. Since they were just notes I was hoping to season them with season spirit by following my own advice and looking at the glass half full. I will get there. In the meantime this survey came up in my news feed which felt like watching my perfect soufflé drop and flatten because the ceiling fan was going at full speed.
So here goes. A survey by Statista conducted between May – June 2021.
“When it comes to the country (USA) these days do you generally feel things are…”
Out of Control 80%
Under Control 15%
Some of Both 3%
Not Sure 2%
The country is out of control and we know it. We see it. We feel it.
These numbers include both sides, all sides of the geopolitical spectrum. We are unraveling and do not have any idea how to stop and fix it. It’s happening worldwide but the survey is about the USA and if I may add, our unraveling appears more severe, more incisive, like a knife to our throats. We are at the end of the plank lead by our own government and their partners in crime Corporate America. If I need to explain this, you haven’t been paying attention.
The ‘straw that broke the camels back,” I foresee, would be Donald J Trump being allowed to own and operate a social platform where he could and would continue his demagoguery-trip that would pave the way to complete his Hitler-like plan to end the Republic and anoint himself Dictator for life. If allowed any wiggle room he can and will complete his agenda. He has many friends with money. Sheer cold runs down my spine at the thought. He must be stopped.