The world, as we knew it, and the life that we have lived so far has vanished right before our eyes. Whether you are in denial, or midway to learning this new fact of life, the reality of our situation is here now and taking front seat to everything that happens around us. The enormity of these events are nearly too grave to grasp.
The ultimate test stands before us. I’ll name it the Darwin test: Survival of the fittest. This test stands right at our doorsteps right now. This is not a gross exaggeration, nor fake news, or an attempt to get clicks and likes or any other gimmick running around the planet. The reality that we live and breathe in the middle of an end all Pandemic and that our own government has conspired against our well beings, in plain sight, is a terrifying turn of events.
Our situation does not have one single bit of “conspiracy theory” elements to it. A conspiracy involves unfounded speculation and unsolved facts. Our events are happening right before our eyes, in broad daylight, for everyone to see.
Many of us will die this painful and lonely death. Many other will somehow find the way to survive and right these monsters, both human and viral.
My words to you are to trust no one and never give up. Take every precaution, even when you are told that you no longer need them. Live the life that is yours and allow no one to rob you of it.
1 Comment
Jorge · May 4, 2020 at 5:31 PM
Kind of a defeatist tone, though I know that wasn’t your underlying motivation ! I force myself to reflect as much of a positive perspective as possible, in contrast to all the negativity and naysayers daily beating their drums ! Don’t shoot the messenger !!