What if we sang to each other instead of talking? Would we find a peaceful existence? It seems easier to sing up-beat and pleasant thoughts. Who fights singing? The TV series “Hart of Dixie” had episodes where they just broke into song and danced around and I really wanted to step into their world and join them. It seemed beautiful and fun.
Language can be so beautiful and so hurtful. We have added so much profanity to our everyday conversation. By singing, this profanity would recede and leave us singing our feelings away. Who goes around singing profanity, unless you are a rapper? I have two separate views of profanity. It can spice up a useless, meaningless conversation. Otherwise, it is weapon meant to inflict pain.
If wishes would come true I would sing to you in Dionne Warwick’s throaty, gorgeous voice. ” Don’t make me over” I hear her in my mind!!! Yeah Baby! Let’s sing and release all this anger, hatred and fear. Peace Brothers and Sisters.
Marlene Simpkins · November 23, 2021 at 5:56 AM
These posts won’t allow me to “like” them anymore…😥
Anyway, I like this very much!
Debi Willis · November 23, 2021 at 12:22 PM
TRY IT! YOU’LL LIKE IT!! I do it with my animals some days when I’m bored- they’re bored and we ALL need a good jolly laugh and playtime!! Of course, animals are much more receptive to any frivolity than are lots of humans.
Mercedes Jenouri · November 23, 2021 at 12:37 PM
When I sing my big birds flap their wings and shake their feathered butts! It’s a hoot. 🤣🐥
Mercedes Jenouri · November 23, 2021 at 12:40 PM
The true challenge is getting humans to engage in the singing instead of talking.