“We all know that art is not truth
Art is a lie that makes you realize truth,
at least, the truth that is given to us to understand.
The artist must know the manner by whereby to convince others
of the truthfulness of his lies.” – Pablo Picasso
Did art exist prior to human language? Our ancestors emerged as a species 200,000 years ago and figured out how to use language 100,000 years later. The emergence of cave art kicked off a new way of thinking Homo Sapiens, which set the stage for human language to develop.
I often wonder about Picasso’s meaning behind ” the truth that is given to us”. Who gives this truth? Where does this truth emerge from? The only answer I can come up with is our ” our collective unconscious”. A term coined by Carl Jung. So, a museum is not just a structure, but home to the history of the soul of all humanity. Without art, there would be no language. We’d be staring at each other still.