Several years ago I purchased a train cupcake mold for a friend that has two small children. She thanked me profusely and returned the mold asking that I make them myself. I put the mold away for later. Recently I gifted the mold to a friend who likes to cook and has a house full of grandchildren. Again, the mold was returned with a request that I make them. Just when I was starting to think it was the curse of the train mold I decided to just follow everyone’s advice and make the train cupcakes.
William Somona has a wonderful, although long, recipe titled ” Vanilla Train Cake”. Easy to find.

This is the mold just before going into the oven. The train cakes are a success and could have been a train wreck. Holy Moly.
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and all the other wonderful stardust I can send your way. What’s on your plate?
Debi Willis · December 25, 2021 at 8:27 AM
Oh what a fun cake to make. AND with HOMEMADE VANILLA? YEAH BABY!! Merry Christmas Mercedes and Merlin and Petit Pois and Aslan and Puffy and ???? Love you all and wish you the merriest of days ! Happy Happy Holidays.
Mercedes Jenouri · December 25, 2021 at 10:42 AM
Thank you. Many thank you’s and happy wishes for you and your family. The vanilla is super easy. I send for, via Ebay, for Magagascar Vanilla beans. They are added to vodka and allowed to ‘sit’ for 6 months. It’s better quality than store bought and price effective. I refuse to use imitation vanilla. I’m planning on making a new ‘ batch’ maybe with brandy or dark rum. It will take a while but except some when it’s nearly ready. Have a great day.