Growing up our parents and teachers prepared kiddie parties with costumes and music and fun. Everyone loves Halloween with the cut out pumpkins and orange candles lit up to play spooky with the kiddies. Stories about witches, black cats and spells dominate the night.
Like most folklore there is a great dosage of truth behind these stories. Good and evil dance a dangerous dance. Tonight the almighty Moon will be full and it will be blue, for the last time in decades to come. There is great expectation in the quiet land of witches. They are getting ready to ride and chant their protection spells all over the globe. They are seeking to renew and reactivate the needed protections for everyone and everything that is good.
Right behind the surface, scratch a bit, and find the magic “one’s” busy as bees getting ready to do their craft. Protect you and your loved one’s. There is no evil in the craft, only goodness and love. This explains why innocent children love these festivities so much.
The witches will stay awake all day and all knight. Some chant, some transport and some just sing to the wind in the dark. If a woman passes you by and you notice that she is distractedly humming to herself, know that she is singing healing sounds for all to heal. Renewal is their theme song. One season moving uninterrupted to the next.
Never fear these wonderful creatures. They represent all that is good and spend their many lives protecting of us.

When you recognize a witch just smile and nod, they will recognize you right back. Another sure sign that you are in the presence of a witch is if her home has an unusual amount of black birds living and flying around her house.

Another indication that you are meeting a witch is if she has all of these elements in her life. She attracts the black birds and the cats, some of which, are also black. No reason except its easier to move around at night and centuries have acclimated the color scheme.

The spells are protections from all that is evil. Energy that enters your mind and soul while your sleep deeply.
We hope this simple guide to ‘seeing’ the witches had been helpful. Please leave a comment if you spot one or many. Off I go. Happy, healthy Halloween.