During the past five to six years we have watched and participated in one of the most heated discussion in the history of the United States. The subject remains open and there are many issues still on the table. The final outcome is still undecided. Will we re-establish our democracy or will we continue to slip and slide into the hands of the Fascist Oligarchy? That is the real question.

Those of us who decided to participate actively in the discourse of the political events as they unfolded may have a greater whiff of the true depth of the trouble we are in. There is a great probability that we will lose the freedoms that we still have and our citizenship will inch its way closer to becoming a type of slavery. I’m not big on happy news when I get into this subject. But the truth must be told.

During the five years or so that included Hillary Clinton’s campaign for the Presidency of the United States and the events that prevented her from taking the actual oath there was so happening, so many players, that coherence was close to impossible. During this time period I discovered that using satirical cartoons as anchors to address the events at hand was helpful and enlightening. I also learned that writing political satire requires both rage and outrage. Without this fuel it does not happen.

Capricorn Science published about 40 articles during the past three years covering all the events involving the stolen election until the process of dragging Trump from the White House. Our last published article on this subject was dated January 06, 2021. I wrote it, out of breath, while the events were unfolding and never wrote another political satire article since. Was my rage and outrage appeased? I doubt it. I conclude that stepping back and watching what happened next was needed in order to fully immerse myself in the jive and the vibe of our possible future. I’m no closer to knowing which side will surface as the final power. But I would hate to end my time on Earth under the rule of Fascism after I was born under the rule of Democracy. So we fight with every breath left in our souls. Thank you for reading.