Capricorn Science has a search feature which does the job but makes finding our poems a tiresome task. When the soul want poetry it does not need to be burdened with recalling titles and names. We will be fishing the poems from our rather large pond of posts and tuck then into the warmth of their own category titled “Poems 4 the Soul.” It you would like us to add a poem of your liking please speak up and your wishes will be our commands.

Note: I was hoping the writing of the titles would give you a link but hope is not enough and I need to consult my techie, but help is on the way. You still have to use the search feature, but you know what you are looking for..

We’re missing some but these are the poems we dug up so far:

A Poem From The Cat by The Cat

I See a World by William Blake

I Am by John Carre

I Was Hungry by Author Unknown

The Peace of the Wild Things by Wendell Berry

I Pray On My Bowl by The Cat

We Do Not Die by Author Unknown

First They Came by Martin Niemoller

Penny Dreadful Lullaby by Sama Elshall

Sonnet LXXI by William Shakespeare

Sonnet LVII by William Shakespeare

Macbeth by William Shakespeare

Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou

Still I Rise by Maya Angelou

When Great Trees Fall by Maya Angelou

Enkindled Spring by D. H. Lawrence

My Shadow by Robert Louise Stevenson

Distant Hills by The Cow

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