It’s such a simple holistic method that people refuse to believe it. To rid yourself of the swelling, pain and deformity arthritis creates do the following for at least thirty consecutive days. Boil cabbages until the water turns yellow. You may drink it warm, as a tea, or cold as a tea. Eight ounces several times per day and watch as the pain and swelling disappears. I have countless first hand results that verify the truth in this remedy. Friends taking handful of pills with no results have reported fabulous results such as: I can write again”. Try it, it may help you.

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Categories: Awesome Stuff


Rose Marlene Fiocchi Simpkins · January 17, 2022 at 7:39 PM

If only I didn’t hate cabbage so much…😩

    Mercedes Jenouri · January 17, 2022 at 8:10 PM

    It’s an acquired taste. Truly.

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