has been produced in Japan since the end of the 1800s.
They are decorated using Moriage, a style of porcelain decoration that lays beads of porcelain on the item prior to firing, and then painting them later. This creates a raised motif on the item, in this case, a dragon.
Other design techniques include Satsuma pieces which add a Satsuma and enameled handles to the moriage dragon, or coralline design using tiny glass beads heated to look like coral, enameled designs, and finally occasionally a flat dragon of gold or colored paint. While this is not the typically raised dragon, it is considered dragon ware.
Dragonware was manufactured as display items for the table and can include anything from smoking sets to vases, lamps, ashtrays, plates, incense burners, and of course tea sets.
The original manufacturer of dragon ware was Nippon / Noritake. The Nippon company was renowned for making Japan’s finest China for the Japanese community, while the offshoot Noritake Company was focused on the European market. Thus articles could possess a Nippon stamp or a Noritake stamp.
Since then, many different companies have manufactured dragon ware.
The style and material can vary depending on the age of the item. Modern examples are not as nicely made as the older items. Generally, those made before the 20th century are considered collectible.
Collectors may choose to focus on one particular area of manufacture, such as Kutani pieces. They may choose one company such as Nippon Toki Kaisha, Ltd.
Nippon pieces have recognizably large and ornate dragons that circle most of an item. The very earliest examples had glass beads for eyes rather than moriage ones.
The changes that occurred to the style of dragons over the years can help to date each piece of dragon ware. Pieces with enamel work around the edges are typically older. Some dragon ware even has “Occupied Japan” stamped on the bottom – this can add value.
Newer dragon ware can be recognized from the lack of detail on the dragons, a smaller size that doesn’t wrap around, and less care and attention paid to the design.
The most common color used was a smoky grey with black or white, though often sets would also incorporate deep blue, red, orange, purple, and yellow.
Some of the teacups have lithophanes inside on the bottom – a raised design, often a Geisha. This adds value to a piece of dragon ware. Lithophanes were created using a lead finish, so these tea cups should not be used to drink tea.