It’s been a common practice for Democrats to refer to Republicans and their minions as people who drank the Koo-Aid. The concept of the drinking of Kool-Aid references the mass murder-suicide of 900 Americans, all members of The Peoples Temple Agricultural Project, or as it’s better known, “Jonestown.” Their leader, Jim Jones, commanded that his followers, all 909 of whom 900 were American, drink poisoned Kool-Aid, which they did. These events took place on November 18th, 1978
If you pause, step outside your skin, and take steps away from your ego, it’s easy to see that we are all victims of Kool-Aid drinking on command. It’s always easier and more fun to notice faults in others. We chose to ignore our own, always protected by our ego.
Groups of people drink their designated Kool-Aid and engage in verbal and violent warfare with groups of other people who drink a different flavor of Kool-Aid.
Why am I Koo-Aid obsessed this morning? Because I hear people celebrating cold-blooded murder because the deceased is from a different group of Kool-Aid drinkers. Since when has random murder become a relaxed activity?
Governments, religions, and non-profit organizations all encourage you to drink up and join their money-sucking organization, risk burning in hell, rotting in prison for life, or even living homeless and dying of some infested disease. Join our brand of Koo-Aid or else. You reluctantly or willingly drink your Kool-Aid to avoid such despair and walk away. Why do this? They all contain poison aimed at chaining you and ultimately owning you. The only road to freedom is to live Kool-Aid-free and always watchful of the many temptations.
To be a better human, you must look closely at these issues or risk falling for the charade. Think. Think hard.
Thank you for reading.