Nature and all it’s wonders have always been the greatest source of wonder and happiness to me. I was a tree huger since before the term was coined. As a child and an adult trees seem like condominiums to me. Birds, ants, caterpillars and all kinds of creatures find water, food and an branch to hang on to.
The interior of flowers call me to them as if I were a bee, so I just keep taking pictures of flowers, really close to see what my eyes hide from me. Well, my surprise turned to shock when I discovered that my roses had and have hidden images. Check out the angry face in the picture above. Now I’ve learned that trees communicate under the ground via filaments and that roses can feel the presence of bees buzzing. Are my flowers trying to tell me something? This will be one of my 2020 projects. Putting extra care in to my roses and photographing them and charting their expressions. Yes, I have searched everywhere for other, similar stories and have come up with nothing. We will see what the future brings.