If you suffer from an environmental cough or a side effect cough the remedy is lemongrass tea. I live in the tropics. No change of seasons creates air that is contaminated with everything. That is the air I breathe. That causes an environmental cough. I also have a very strong toxic – like reaction to MSG in my food that causes a severe cough. Clean the air and nip MSG and I stop the persistent cough.

Desert sands are lethal to my lungs and when the air gets dense, I cough and I cough. I have been prescribed every known medication to stop the nasty little cough. Even before the pandemic it’s just a bad business practice to cough through a business meeting. I discovered a tea for sale online that claimed to calm coughs. So I bought it and it worked. The tea was lemongrass. The miracle tea that stopped this pest cough on its tracks.

Now I grow my own lemongrass. Nip, nip, boil at a low temperature and drink and stop coughing.

I’m sharing all this personal experience because this lemongrass tea is one of the best kept secrets around. Here goes some more information from my friend Wikipedia.

Cymbopogon, barbed wire grass, silky heads.


It might help prevent the growth of some bacteria and yeast. Lemongrass also contains substances that are thought to relieve pain and swelling. reduce fever, improve levels of sugar and cholesterol in the blood, stimulate the uterus and menstrual flow and have antioxidant properties.

Lemongrass tea:

Relieving anxiety

Lowering cholesterol

Preventing Infection

Boosting oral health

Boosting red cell levels

Relieving bloating

It is also claimed to aid in weight loss and can help regulate sleep.

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