It’s January 1st, 2020. I woke up thinking about the zodiac sign, Capricorn, and what may be of interest about it. Bits of research here and there rendered tidbits about goats , planets and peoples personality traits. (go ahead, yawn). Instantly my memory took a leap to a book I had read decades ago titled : ” Supernature” by Lyall Watson. First a bit about Mr. Watson.
Lyall Watson was a South African botanist, zoologist, biologist, anthropologist, ethologist, and author. His writings framed and defined how I see the world, both natural and supernatural. Combined with the teachings of a college political philosophy professor my personal connection to nature, seen and unseen, was sealed at a very young age.
Watson’s book ” Supernature” quotes a study made of a 200,000 person sample in Europe that confirms that personality traits, choices of professions, and many other personal traits are indeed influenced by our date of birth. In another of his books .” The Romeo Error” he details how science defines nature and as we expand the frame of science we will get a better, greater understanding of nature. He taught me, without saying it in so many words, that magic is merely science unexplained. I thank this wonderful man for giving me eyes that see. Figure it out! Happy January, from Capricorn Science.