If I were a wolf I could toss my large, hairy head back and howl my heart out while closing my eyes and taking in all the scents that surround me. The Moon would drive my age old instinct to howl and howl, warning my family that I live. Telling the stories of my travels and my sorrows.
If I were a wolf I would run, feeling the earth thump against my paws as I galloped and ran and jumped over the world beneath me. I’d feel the healing effect of the soil against my huge paws healing my body and my spirit.
If I were a Wolf I could see what others have never seen. Images and worlds hidden to others. Beauties visible only to my ancient vision. That door in my mind opens, allowing the breeze from the past, present and future mingle into one moment.
Because I am Wolf, I know time and its many tricks to be played.
I become Wolf in my sleep, the only place where here meets there and I am free.
I am a Wolf.