Good morning. I’m awake and have some excellent news for you. I slept soundly between nine last night until midnight. Just like Moonella, I decided to get up and use the extra time to work until I got tired and take a nap later in the day. I turned on “Lincoln Lawyer” since I want to include it in a group movie/series review for Capricorn Science. I also started reading emails. I have about six accounts attached to different ongoing projects. While doing so I noticed emails from Grammarly which as most of you know is a writing app that I started using January 01, 2023. It was a bit of a struggle in the beginning since Grammarly was tasked with checking the grammar of a 180,000 word long manuscript. It was like a choo-choo train struggling to get through a complex document written by a mildly dyslexic, multilingual newbie fiction writer. I’m never one to hide my shortcoming but I am a type A personality, overachiever, workaholic to the bone. This formula has been successful in the past and since my last chosen profession is a writer of fiction, which I swore I could never do, here we are. We are on the verge of publishing my first novel, “There Is No Mercy Here”. We are months away but the choo-choo train is excited and happy.
Back to the emails mentioned before. I found two grammarly reports which graded my progress as a writer. This is very important to me since I know I am good at coming up with a great story but my grammar sucks. Why? The reasons stated above and more, but why bore you. Let’s get to the good news before you fall asleep on me. Here goes.
Mon, Mar 27, 8:45PM (10 days ago) grammarly reported my weekly writing update for the week of March 19- March 26.
Productivity 41 word analyzed
You were more productive than 36% of Grammarly users.
Mastery: 24 %
You were more accurate than 24% of Grammarly users.
Vocabulary 40%
You used more unique words than 40% of Grammarly users,
Total word analyzed since 01/ Jan/ 2023 are 6,628,849
Tuesday, April 4, 4:50AM Grammarly reported changes for the week of March 26 – April 02.
Productivity 98%
You were more productive than 98% of Grammarly users. (409,419
word analyzed).
Mastery 99%
You were more accurate than 99% of Grammarly users.
Total word analyzed by Grammarly over time 01/01/2023 =7,038,468
My writing productivity is 98% above other writers and my writing mastery is 99% over other writers.
This means everything to me since it’s proving that I am pulling apart the languages that float in my mind and make use of them at my command instead of at their whim. I am overcoming my mild dyslexia shortcoming ( I do not recognize handicaps, they make me mad). There have been times, early in the writing of this novel, that spell check would signal an error and I’d look at I and just not see it. I’d count the number of letters in the work, then in the correction. Do a vertical check, a horizontal check and my mind’s eye decides to see them identical, I just don’t see it. I’d give up being frustrated and accept the correction never knowing what was wrong. I could not see it. There are fewer and fewer of those incidents meaning I’m winning over the situation. So kicking ass and taking no prisoners at a 99% over other grammarly uses means the world to me. As you’ve heard me say millions of times: “No pain no gain”. I’ve enjoyed every single second. I am at the right place, at the right time. Oh lordy.
Oh. I only used AI-Chat to help with my query letter and “Dune” as a comparison to “There Is No Mercy Here.” Every other single word, idea and thought are all mine although I listen and use every single suggestion but the final outcome is mine. I can live with that.
Thanks for reading.