Justice is coming! for you TRUMP
Take a close look at the meaning of collective unconscious: in Jungian psychology it is the part of the unconscious mind which is derived from ancestral memory and experience and is common to all humankind, as distinct from the individual’s unconscious.
Take another close look at the meaning of Mineme, aka Meme to most of us: an element of a culture or system of behaviour that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by non genetic means, specially imitation.
We we apply Hegelian analysis. ( Thesis plus Antithesis equals Synthesis) Jung’s collective unconscious would represent the Thesis part of his three legged process. The Meme would represent the Antithesis. The conclusive Synthesis, as I see it, is that the Meme’s we are creating and seeing by the thousands are cultural expressions seeking to become embedded into our collective unconscious. I took me a while. Sit back and think about this. They are known fact that seek longevity in the collective unconscious.
Therefore, when a Meme calls out for Justice it is not the desire of one individual expressing his desire. The Meme maker could very well be the vessel for society’s collective unconscious to express itself. This venture also taps into DaVinci’s concepts of connectivity to be explores another day.
Stepping back into this particular cultural expression I dare say that Donald J. Trump will be brought to justice for his endless and unforgivable crimes. So be it.