“Love Your Enemy?” Forget That or Die.
As a lifelong people watcher and pattern recorder I can’t help seeing and concluding that there is just too much forgiveness and feely touchy sentiment between my partner Democrats and our common enemies, Republicans.
I’ll comment based on my observations. Democrats are easy to forgive. Democrats love speeches regardless if the speech giver is their enemy. There is such a hunger for statesmanship that Democrats will take almost any semblance of it with both hands anywhere they find it, even in the hands of our known enemy.
Let’s give these heartwarming speeches a closer look. Speechwriting is a profession. I have written speeches for friends and associates that were accepted to a business organization or given a business award. My friends would say what I wrote. Of course, they aren’t mindless but the mussy, heartwarming, mind bending language was all mine. They accepted my words as theirs, repeated them and took the praise as their own.
The next time a speech warms your heart make sure to remember that the speechwriter is the heating pad, not the person standing before you.
Normally, speeches are ready to be deployed a long time before the event in question happens. Politicians don’t wake up one morning and hear the decisions taken by the Supreme Court and say: “Too bad, let’s have a press conference and address the people of the nation.” Delete that thought because you’re wrong. Politicians, business people have experts keeping future events within their focus lens and have prepared for each and every contingency.
When Liz Chaney brings tears to your eyes, thank her speechwriter for doing an excellent job at making you love your known enemy. Polls and focus groups rule the land and exist to control your thoughts, your emotions and your vote.
Why do bad things happen to good people? Because you are a good person that wants to believe the best of others. You are too trusting and for this overflow of trust you pay with your assets, with your life, with you safely.
I exhort you. I urge you. I even beg to close your heart and open your mind. Stop loving your enemy, who in the end only wants you dead. Oh, so I exaggerate! Visit google and learn once and for all who benefited from our past wars. Check out how Liz Cheney voted 98% with Donald Trump’s agenda, which is entirely against you and ours.
They may succeed in killing me but I will call them on their lies until my last breath. Thank you for reading.