It’s impossible to understand how Donald Trump has driven himself into a corner with no way out. As days turn into weeks and his due to leave office seems to come crashing towards us, there is not a single sign of him moving in the direction of sanity and decorum. We can only imagine what is going on in the Biden / Harris camp as they ready themselves to take over the government. I bet there are strategy meetings mapping all the possible scenarios of what may happen, when, and what exactly to do. Will there be a kill order in place?

Based on all we have witnessed, it is fair to say that Donald Trump has lost every bit of sanity he had left and is now uncontrollable. Is this a part of an insanity defense? Mafia bosses have done that in the past. I sincerely doubt that he is faking his madness. He was publicly diagnosed as a Malignant Narcissist when he showed his methods and his mindset four years ago. This scenario is entirely different. He is confronted with losing, with rejection, and he just cannot handle it. Doors that had opened wide for him to roam and take anything he desired as President of the United States are now closed shut, and fear must be setting in. He is in chaos.

His banks announced that they are about to call his half-billion-dollar debt (Forbes). If so, many of his properties will be repossessed, and he will be left with the cash-hungry properties. We’ve witnessed how Trump’s business plan is basically to milk companies for cash, declare bankruptcy, and move on to another cash cow company. He is a predatory animal or another kind. His lifestyle demands gargantuan amounts of money. Once he is denied access to the US Treasury funds to carry his financial fancies, he will be stuck somewhere with no plane or entourage to move around. He must already be tasting silence from his previous admirers. He must be thinking of all the legal problems awaiting him in New York. They are real. He must be trembling in fear over the unlocked Mueller Report opened for everyone to see how he stole the 2016 election. German banks, New York district attorneys, Mueller’s silver bullet. Season this scenario with the Treasury Department Internal Revenue interest in the deep and long history of tax fraud. Rape and child molestation lawsuits that have DNA evidence waiting to swab him!

Donald Trump has dodged the bullet many, many times. Some credible people believe that his “good luck” is nothing else than protection from the FBI, for whom he functions as a Confidential Informant. Keep in mind that Trump is “mobbed up.” What a movie this would make!

When you put together the scenario of what his future will look like, you can maybe comprehend why he is so afraid to leave the White House. He is hoping his past good luck will kick in at some point and give him four more years to sort out his mess and steal some more from the American people.

Donald Trump miscalculated the Presidency of the United States. He gravely miscalculated the spirit of the American people. He must pay for all the crimes that he has committed, just like any John Doe. You do the crime. You do the time. I hope the full weight of the law takes him into custody and displays him in courtrooms fighting for his life. I speak for 350,000 fellow Americans who are dead, based on his whim. Take the monster down.

Note: since this article was first written, over one million Americans died caused by a Pandemic that could have been prevented.

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