“There Is No Mercy Here” is ready to be pieced together and made into a book. The chase for the hidden typo will continue as long as I breathe, but that is part of the fun.
Waking up this morning, I reflected on how a storyteller needs confirmation that the tale has been told completely as it was intended to be told. I struggled for a long time in a quest to find a missing character. Odd as that may sound, they are all there, written into pages, but seeing them and finding them is another ball game. As I edited, read, and re-read, I continued to notice that a character was missing. I hate cliffhangers with a passion. I hate them more if I use one because I can’t find my missing character.
Slowly, as if playing an archeologist within my book, my eyes peeled away layer upon layer of debris until I found my missing character. Everyone signed in relief. Especially me, who had the job of finding her.
My techie will now piece together the random parts until we are ready to launch.
Someone recently said to me that I have lived a large life. This is true, I have, but nothing I have ever done has been more relevant and rewarding than telling this story. Off I go! Have a wonderful day.