M Butterfly is a film based on a true story with some artistic license. If you have not seen the film you are missing a gem. Jeremy Irons plays Gallimard, the main character in the 1993 film directed by David Cronenberg. John Lone portrays to perfection Song Liling, an opera singer who claims to be a woman posing as a man dressed as a woman seeking protection in Communist China.
The box office was a meager $1.5 M. My guess is that the subject was too sensitive for many. The script does justice to the story one can barely imagine really happened. A twenty-year relationship between a French attache and a Chinese spy during which they even have a child in common. The acting is impeccable. Well, Jeremy Irons and John Lone, no less.
This movie is a true expression of art and the human spirit.
If you watch it, let me know what you think of it.
Thank you for reading.