The word diet implies so many things. Punishment, rewards, yearning, horror, denial and many more. Truthfully, diet means the components of what we eat. It does not mean “going on a diet”, “having to go on a diet”, ” I wish I had the will power to go on a diet”. You have been ” on a diet” since your inception. When Dad’s sperm swan and linked to Moms egg and success was declared in creating a body for you to inhabit, your diet started right then and there.
After we reach a certain age, our body stops the push to grow and we need to ingest less caloric nutrition. We did not get that memo and continued to chomp away as if we were still growing. Right then and there we started accumulating fat cells because what we do not burn we store. Where? Each person has a different fat bank. Your thighs, butt, bust, face, arms, stomach? Eventually, if you insist on accumulating fat all these body parts will become fat banks.
Each individuals metabolism burns fat at their own pace. Only you can know how your body functions. Yet there are some basic premises to assist you in winning the battle of the calories with minimum or no suffering. Suffering does not work for me so I found the way control my body weight without the horrors other people talk about.
First of all know that I do not believe in fad diets. I read them. Analyze what they say and walk away. It’s psychological. They are rigid and don’t consider potential damage to my body. Any diet that tells to eat all the bacon and fat that I want is not honest or good. That’s advice that will kill you down the road.
Once again, I do not speak as an expert on diets for others. I am an expert on what works for me. I share my method just in case a portion or all of it can help you reach your goals.
It’s healthier to be lean. Less weight on your knees, ankles and other parts that lug us around helps their longevity and our long term comfort.
During this past Christmas I had a crew of men living in my house while they painted my huge house. Why? They were the only house painters I found available. Crazy but true. Strangers indoors and outdoors all day and all night during a pandemic drove me quietly nuts and I ate to tranquil my agita. Once the house was painted, the crew gone, and I was left standing, I realized that my clothes were real tight. Some garments insulted me by just not fittings. Oh well, whatever I ate helped me through my quiet panic so there we were: call me ms. chubby. I did not weigh myself. I hate scales but that’s me.
You know the problem. How it happened. Here is what I did:
Breakfast: every single morning:
Two eggs, one mushroom, pieces of sausage ( normally not good for you, to be used only during this period) one slice of tomato chopped. Sauté in a bit of extra virgin olive oil. Sprinkle with your favorite herbs and spices. I use garlic, parsley, rosemary and others. Sugarless black coffee with a sprinkle of cinnamon. I set my plate on a nice setting and enjoy my breakfast. Not once was I ever hungry starting the day with this combo.
Cooked chicken breast , cut in bite sizes. Cover in breadcrumbs. I sauté the chicken in extra virgin olive oil. Add the chicken pieces when its hot. Let it brown and the bread crumbs get a bit crunchy. You can add a couple to tablespoons to honey and watch as it dilutes. Don’t let it burn!
Keep soft Mexican wraps at hand. Add a bit of sour cream or mayo and spread evenly. Place one or two or three large leaves of lettuce on the wrap. Add some of the chicken pieces and close the wrap the best you can . I will be a nice, warm, fat wrap. Enjoy.
One glass of wine, or one glass of gin and tonic and lime, or one mojito. Drink as much water throughout the day and night as you can. I also make myself lemongrass tea several times per week but I doubt you have a plant outside to cut from. It helps with lowering cholesterol and weight loss. (Goggle it).
Within a month of following these eating guidelines I was down two sizes. Not once did I have hunger pangs or headaches or those other horrors that tend to torture us. I did not yearn for sweets or pizza or other fat farms. This diet sounds like ” Wow, so little food!” but think about it, if you don’t get hungry your body is satisfied, why mess with a good thing.
Future plans for me:
Once my blouses start buttoning up without threatening whomever is sitting in front me; only then will I weigh myself. At this time I will also measure myself: arms, waist, thighs, upper and lower everything. This weight and these measurements will become my standard. Then I plan on doing a “weigh-in”, like boxers, every two weeks, never letting my weight increase over 5 lbs. I’ve done this in the past and it worked for decades. I may never paint my house again. Lol.
Tell me your stories. We can help each other out. Thanks for reading.
1 Comment
Debi Willis · January 30, 2022 at 2:17 PM
What a sensible diet.