( From my garden)
In biology, genotype refers to the genetic material passed between generations, and phenotype, is observable characteristics of an organism.
An organism’s phenotype is determined by it’s genotype; which is the set of genes the organism carries, as well as by environmental influences upon these genes. (www.nature.com)
The reason for this particular insight of the Fibonacci sequence is to respond to the question that if the mentioned sequence appears throughout nature and space, is it also within the genetic material of the entire universe?
At first the information found kept referring to the the presence of Fibonacci’s sequence in the phenotype of nature and the universe. The sequence can be seen and noted in the roses above. It continued to bother me that the connection between observable nature and how it becomes so seemed illusive until I was able to determine that the phenotype is connected to the expression of the genetic that code it is, as mentioned in the excerpt from Nature.com.
Therefore, the Fibonacci sequence is genetically encoded in maybe all of known nature.