A lifetime of traveling within the eye of a powerful hurricane really inhibits clear vision. Seeing what surrounds you is close to impossible. Regardless of these shortcomings it is an exhilarating ride, worthy of your time.

The Girl spent most, if not all, of her life riding on the wind, navigating the pulls of the gusts of the bull-like hurricane. She tried, while being pulled every which way, to find her footing and balance, but the wind, plus the joy of the Hurricane ride always won. And off and away she was. With all this twirling and pulling and struggles the Girl was still able to accomplish the Hurricane-life she most desired and loved. The Girl knew that the wind kept her in an eternal blur and was unable to focus on anyone or anything near by for too long. The world at large looked life a beautiful Monet painting meant to be admired from afar but never touched. Still, bits and pieces of earthbound events did shine through and she couldn’t help but notice the delicate nuances of the great lovers, the Forever Lovers, also her anchors. From the top of the Hurricane they seemed aloof, distant and self-absorbed, as lovers tend to be. They also seemed to not see the Girl and her Hurricane riding ways. Great distances separated the Girl from the Forever Lovers. The Forever Lovers held on to teach other, clinging to be, while the Girl rode her beloved Hurricane. Time passed. Time slipped away. Time has that habit.

There is truth in saying that all things change. One sunny day, the Hurricane slowed down and the Girl, able to keep her balance, just jumped off onto solid ground for the first time in her life. This new stillness was not well received. After riding a bull hurricane her entire life the Girl found solid ground lacking and stale! “Why do people stay here?”; she thought. Terrible dreams about being left standing with no place to go became customary. Slowly the Girl started noticing things which had always been there yet she could never focus on before. Like a newborn, colors, smells, feels, all new and exquisite. The Girl planted seeds and watched, transfixed, as they grew. She took pictures of the insides of flowers and saw that they hid faces. She studied the stars and planets and was introduced to their mysteries. With both feet firmly on the ground for the very first time in her life the hurricane rider metamorphized into something else, something other.

The hurricane riding Girl now learned new ways, new things, which are both winged and earthbound . She relished her awesome existence. Hurricane riding people are often misunderstood because of their extraordinary ability to navigate and ride the wind untethered to anything or anyone. It defines freedom.

Becoming earthbound allowed her to see her anchors, the Eternal Lovers, from stable grounds. Since time is real, it had passed for them too. As if seeing them for the first time, they seemed relieved that the Girl had finally landed since they had entered the stage of the last goodbye. Most likely a very long stage, but nevertheless, it was here, now. In the past, the Girl, while riding her hurricane, would notice bits and pieces and nuances of their existence as the great lovers, but was unable to create coherence in their story. Both feet on the ground allowed the Girl to really see them up close and their eternal love affair. Playing it back in her mind, it has the feel of all the Shakespearean sonnets sung together in one long erotic love song. Now the Girl watches as their final goodbye plays out, somehow more intense than before, all the players knowing who and what they are to each other. When dust comes to claim dust they will mingle, remaining together throughout time during all eternity. Words are too shallow to tell what the hurricane riding Girl has seen.

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Categories: Awesome Stuff


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